Leaching fully radioactive SRP nuclear waste glass in tuff groundwater in stainless steel vessels : a paper for presentation at the third international symposium on ceramics in nuclear waste management American Ceramic Society annual meeting Chicago, Illinois April 27 - May 1, 1986 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
The role of groundwater oxidation potential and radiolysis on waste glass performance in crystalline repository environments : a paper for presentation and publication in the proceedings Materials Research Society Annual Meeting Stockholm, Sweden September 8 - 11, 1985 [E-Book] /
Characterization of borosilicate glass containing Savannah River Plant radioactive waste , 2 : microstructure and durability : a paper accepted for presentation at the XIII international congress on glass in Hamburg, Germany, July 4 - 9, 1983 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
An assessment of Savannah River borosilicate glass in the repository environment : [E-Book]
Characterization of borosilicate glass containing Savannah River Plant radioactive waste : a paper proposed for presentation at the materials characterization conference Alfred, New York August 16 - 18, 1982 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Effects of alpha, gamma, and alpha-recoil radiation on borosilicate glass containing Savannah River Plant defense high-level nuclear waste : a paper proposed for presentation at the Materials Research Society annual meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, on November 16 - 19, 1981, and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /c by Ned E. Bibler
Calibration of intense 60Co gamma ray sources at the Savannah River plant : [E-Book]
Radiolytic gas production during long-term storage of nuclear wastes : a paper accepted for presentation at the 28th southeastern regional meeting of the American Chemical Society to be held in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, on October 27 - 29, 1976 [E-Book] /
Fission fragment radiolysis of 0.4M sulfuric acid solutions with dissolved 252Cf : a paper accepted for presentation at the 5th international congress of radiation research, July 14 - 20, 1974, Seattle, Washington : [E-Book]
Curium-244 alpha radiolysis of nitric acid : oxygen production from direct radiolysis of nitrate ions : a paper for presentation at the 165th meeting of the American Chemical Society April 8 - 13, 1973 Dallas, Texas [E-Book] /
Radiolytic gas generation in concrete made with incinerator ash containing transuranium nuclides : a paper prepared for presentation at the symposium on the scientific basis for nuclear waste management in Boston, Mass. November 26 - 29, 1979 [E-Book] /
Radiolytic gas production from tritiated waste forms : gamma, and alpha radiolysis studies : [E-Book]