Process pump operating problems and equipment failures - F-canyon reprocessing facility - Savannah River plant : [E-Book]
A methodology for chemical hazards analysis at nuclear fuels reprocessing plants : a paper proposed for presentation at the international symosium on preventing major chemical accidents Washington, DC February 3 - 5, 1987 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Manipulator operating problems and equipment failures : fuel reprocessing facilities Savannah River plant : [E-Book]
Response of a glass melter to steam explosion : for presentation at the second international conference on computational methods and experimental methods Queen Elizabeth II, New York to Southampton June 27 to July 2, 1984 and for publication in the proceedings of the conference [E-Book] /
Savannah River Laboratory data banks for risk assessment : proposed for presentation and publication at the DOE nuclear facility safety conference Washington, DC February 27 - 29, 1984 [E-Book] /
Evaporator operating problems and equipment failures : h-canyon reprocessing facility Savannah River plant : [E-Book]
Preparation of SARS for nonreactor nuclear facilities at the Savannah River Plant : proposed for presentation, DOE nuclear facility safety conference, Augusta, Georgia, October 26 - 30, 1981 [E-Book] /
Analysis of postulated core meltdown of an SRP reactor : [E-Book]
Activity confinement system of the Savannah River Plant Reactors : [E-Book]
Roughening of heat transfer surfaces as a method of increasing the heat flux at burnout : progress report. 1 [E-Book]
Heat flux at burnout [E-Book]
Other Personal Name(s): ...Durant, William S....

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