Modeling tritium transport in the environment : a paper for presentation at the environmental and human risks of tritium meeting Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany February 17 - 19, 1986 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
A microcomputer-controlled system for measuring atmospheric particle fluxes : a paper for presentation at the seventeenth conference on agriculture and forest meteorology Scottsdale, AZ May 1985 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and water vapor flux measurements utilizing a microprocessor controlled data acquisition system in a pine plantation : for publication forest environmental measurements conference proceedings Oak Ridge, Tennessee [E-Book] /
Sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and water vapor flux measurements utilizing a microprocessor-controlled data-acquisition system in a pine plantation : proposed for presentation and publication forest environmental measurements conference October 23 - 28, 1983 Oak ridge, Tennessee [E-Book] /
Sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and water vapor flux measurements utilizing a microprocessor controlled data acquisition system in a pine plantation : for publication forest environmental measurements conference proceedings October 23 - 28, 1983 Oak Ridge, Tennessee [E-Book] /
Micrometeorological data for the energy balance and the exchange of carbon dioxide between a forest and the atmosphere : [E-Book]
The exchange of carbon dioxide between a forest and the atmosphere : [E-Book]
Atmospheric transport and deposition of acidic air pollutants : a paper proposed for presentation at the 1981 national convention of the Society of American Foresters Orlando, Florida September 28, 1981 : [E-Book]
Tritium transport around nuclear facilities : a paper proposed for presentation at the workshop on tritium radiobiology and health physics in Chiba, Japan, in October 11981, and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Oxidation of molecular tritium by intact soils : proposed for presentation at the 181st national meeting, American Chemical Society, Atlanta, GA, March 30 - April 3, 1981, and for publication in environmental science and technology [E-Book] /
Environmental tritum transport model, application to the dose evaluation for members of the public : a paper proposed for presentation at the second workshop on tritium radiobiology and health physics Chiba, Japan October 30 - November 1, 1984 [E-Book] /