Vitrification chemistry and nuclear waste : a paper presented at the meeting physics and chemistry of glass and glassmaking Alfred University Alfred, NY July 30 - August 2, 1985 and proposed for publication in the Journal of non-crystalline solids - proceedings volume [E-Book] /
Characterization of Savannah River Plant waste glass : a paper proposed for presentation at the symposium waste management '85 Tucson, Arizona March 24 - 28, 1985 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
History of the small cylindrical melter : [E-Book]
Other Personal Name(s): ...Plodinec, M. J....

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Cesium glass irradiation sources : [E-Book]
Other Personal Name(s): ...Plodinec, M. J....

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Vitrification of SRP radioactive waste : melter development studies : to be presented at the American Ceramic Society annual meeting Washington, DC May 3 - 6, 1981 [E-Book] /
Design and operation of small-scale glass melters for immobilizing radioactive waste : a paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers-Industrial applications Society (IEEE-IAS) in Cincinnati, Ohio, on September 29, 1980 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Viscosity and electrical conductivity of glass melts as a function of waste composition : a paper proposed for presentation at the international symposium on ceramics in nuclear waste management Cincinatti, Ohio April 30 - May 2, 1979 [E-Book] /
Vitrification of Savannah River Plant radioactive waste : process development studies : proposed for presentation at the American Ceramic Society fall meeting Bedford, PA October 10 . 12, 1979 [E-Book] /
Development of glass compositions for immobilization of SRP waste : [E-Book]
Evaluation of glass as a matrix for solidifying Savannah River plant waste : properties of glasses containing Li2O : [E-Book]
Clarification of LWR dissolver solutions : a paper proposed for presentation at the ANS topical meeting on the back end of the LWR fuel cycle, in Savannah, Georgia, on March 19 - 22, 1978 [E-Book] /
Development of glass compositions for immobilization of Savannah River Plant waste : a paper to be presented at the symposium on science underlying radioactive waste managemengt sponsored by the Materials Research Society Boston, Massachusetts November 28 - December 1, 1978 [E-Book] /
Viscosity of glasses containing simulated Savannah River plant waste : [E-Book]
Evaluation of 137CS sorbents for fixation in concrete : [E-Book]