Communication in hazardous environments : a paper proposed for presentation at the spectrun '86 international meeting Niagra Falls, NY September 14 - 18, 1986 and for publication in Nuclear technology [E-Book] /
Decontamination of Savannah River Plant H-area hot-canyon crane : a paper proposed for presentation at the American Nuclear Society winter meeting San Francisco, CA November 11 - 14, 1985 [E-Book] /
Decontatmination of DWPF canisters by glass frit blasting : a paper proposed for presentation (and publication) at the waste management '84 symposium (and nuclear technology) at Tucson, Arizona on March 11 - 15, 1984 [E-Book] /
Evaluation of glass-contact materials for waste glass melters : for presentation at the symposium on ceramic in nuclear waste management, American Ceramic Society annual meeting Chicago, Illinois April 24 - 27, 1983 and for publication in the proceedings of meeting [E-Book] /
Decontamination of Savannah River Plant waste glass canisters : proposed for publication and presentation ANS 1982 international conference on decontamination of nuclear facilities September 19 - 22, 1982 Niagara Falls, New York 14303 [E-Book] /
Decontamination processes for waste glass canisters : [E-Book]
Decontamination processes for waste glass canisters : for presentation at the American Nuclear Society annual meeting Miami, Florida June 7 - 12, 1981 [E-Book]  /