Ion exchange processes for clean-up of dilute waste streams by the F/H effluent treatment facility at the Savannah River Plant : a paper proposed for presentation at the meeting ion-ex '87 Wrexham, Clwyd, Wales, UK April 13 - 16, 1987 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Effects of SA/V and saturation on the chemical durability of SRP waste glass : to be presented at the third international symposium on ceramics in nuclear waste management Chicago, Il April 27 - May 1, 1986 [E-Book] /
Determination of the association constant for pertechnetic acid : a paper to be presented at the American Chemical Society Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, April 23 - May 3, 1985 [E-Book] /
The role of ion exchange in the three mile island cleanup : a paper for presentation at the international meeting on solvent and ion exchange in the nuclear fuel cycle, to be held September 3 - 6, 1985, at AERE Harwell, UK, and for publication in the proceedings of the meeting [E-Book] /
Chemicall durability of SRP waste glass : saturation effects and influence of SA/V : to be presented at the 86th annual meeting and exposition of the American Ceramic Society, Pittsburgh, PA, April 29 - May 3, 1984 [E-Book] /
Determination of 95 Zr and 95 Nb in Mixtures of the two nuclides : [E-Book]
Gas formation in anion exchange resin beds : [E-Book]
Other Personal Name(s): ...Wallace, Richard M....

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Stability of ferrous sulfamate in nitric acid solutions : [E-Book]
Effect of barbituric acid and hydrazine on solvent extraction an ion exchange behavior of nitrosylruthenium [E-Book] /
Apparatus for solvent extraction of milliliter quantities of highly radioactive solutions [E-Book]