Giacaglia, G. E. O.
Table of Contents:
“... -- The Planar Motion of a Trojan Asteroid -- On the Long-Term Evolution of Lunar Satellite Orbits -- Transient Annular Structures in Exploding Galaxies -- Resonance Phenomena in Spiral Galaxies -- On the Evolution of the Solar System and the Pluto-Neptune Case...”1970
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Flügge, S.
Table of Contents:
“.... Determination of color indices -- XIII. Quantitative classification photometry -- XIV. Qualitative classification photometry -- La nature de la surf ace des planètes et de la Lune -- I. La Lune -- II. La Planète Mercure -- III. Les astéroïdes -- IV. Les satellites de...”1962
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Flügge, S.
Table of Contents:
“... processes -- 3. Meteor spectra -- 4. Meteor dynamics and orbits of comets, asteroids, and meteors -- 5. Meteoritic dust -- 6. Visual meteor studies -- 7. Radio meteor techniques -- 8. Photographic meteor techniques -- 9. The masses and densities of meteoroids...”1959
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