Dynamics of impact in drop tests of packaging : European nuclear conference April 21 - 23, 1975 - Paris, France [E-Book] /
Baseline studies of upper three runs creek and the experimental streams of the artificial stream laboratory : a paper proposed for presentation at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Biologists Blacksburg, Virginia April 17 - 19, 1975 [E-Book] /
A consistent set of transplutonium multigroup cross sections : a paper prepared for presentation at the conference on nuclear cross sections and technology, Washington, DC, March 3 - 7, 1975 [E-Book] /
Nuclear data actinide recycle : for presentation at the conference on nuclear cross sections and technology Washington, D. C. March 3 - 7, 1975 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Absorption of tritiated water vapor from the atmosphere by the needles of pine trees : for presentation at the fourth national symposium on radioecology Corvallis, Oregon May 12 - 14, 1975 [E-Book] /
Neptunium(III) and plutonium(III) cyclooctatetraenyl bromides and iodides : abstract of a paper proposed for presentation at the 169th national meeting of the American Chemical Society, April 6 - 11, 1975 [E-Book] /
A field study to obtein plutonium contents of old field vegetation and soil under humid clinatic conditions : for presentation at the radioecology sympsium Corallis, Oregon May 12 - 16, 1975 : [E-Book]
Steam pocket formation from a simulated nuclear excursion in a water-moderated reactor mockup : a paper proposed for presentation to the 1976 national heat transfer conference, San Francisco, California, August 11 - 13, 1975, and sponsered jointly by ASME-AICHE [E-Book] /
Incorporation of Savannah River plant radioactive waste into glass : for presentation at the American Ceramic Society meeting Washington, DC May 7, 1975 [E-Book] /
Hydrogen transport in iron and steel : a paper proposed for presentation at an international conference on the effect of hydrogen on behavior of materials sponsored by the Mechanical Metallurgy Committee, AIME Jackson Lake Lodge, Moran, Wyoming September 7 - 11, 1975 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic stainless steels : [E-Book]
Periphyton crops and productivity in a reactor thermal effluent : proposed for presentation at the 38th annual meeting of the American Society of limnology and oceanography Halifax, Nova Scotia June 23 - 26, 1975 [E-Book] /
Comparison of measured and calculated void reactivity worths : a paper proposed for presentation to the 1975 annual meeting of the American Nuclear Society New Orleans, Louisiana June 8 - 13, 1975 [E-Book] /
Surface blistering of materials exposed to 242Cm alpha radiations : [E-Book]
Benchmark U-D2O experiments and comparison with computations : a paper for presentation at the Americn Nuclear Society annual meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 8 - 13, 1975 [E-Book] /
Equipment and operations for preparing 252Cf neutron sources for interstitial cancer radiotherapy research : a paper proposed for presentation to the remote systeme technology conference, San Fransicso, California, November 16 - 21, 1975, sponsored by the American Nuclear Society [E-Book] /
Inhibition of nitrate stress corroion cracking of mild steel in nuclear process wastes : a paper proposed for presentation at the American Nuclear Society 1975 annual meeting to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, on June 8 - 13, 1975 [E-Book] /
Thermal effects on growth and respiration rates of the Mayfly Dolania Americana (Ephemeroptera) : a paper proposed for presentation at the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America with the American Institute of Biological Sciences at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon August 17 - 22, 1975 [E-Book] /
Concentration of aqueous radioactive waste with wiped-film evaporators : a paper proposed for presentation to the AICHE 68th annual meeting, Los Angeles, California, November 16 - 20, 1975 [E-Book] /
The role of test technique in evaluating hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms : paper to be presented at the conference on effects of hydrogen on behavior of materials Jackson, Wyoming September 7 - 11, 1975 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /