Large scale leach test facility : development of equiipment and methods, and comparison to MCC-1 leach tests : [E-Book]
Experiences with confirmatory measurements at the Savannah River Plant : a paper proposed for presentation at the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management 26th annual meeting Albuquerque, NM July 21 - 24, 1985 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Solid-state resistance welding cylinders and spheres : a paper proposed for presentation at the 66th annual meeting of the American Welding Society Las Vegas, Nevada April 28 - May 3, 1985 [E-Book] /
Process calculations for a moderator detritiation plant : a paper proposed for presentation at the second ANS topical meeting tritium technology in fission, fusion, and isotopic applications Dayton, Ohio April 30 - May 2, 1985 and for publication in fusion technology [E-Book] /
Rheology of tetraphenylborate precipitate slurry : a paper for presentation at the international symposium-workshop on particulate and multi-phase processes, Miami Beach, Florida April 22 - 26, 1985 [E-Book] /
Characterization of Savannah River Plant waste glass : a paper proposed for presentation at the symposium waste management '85 Tucson, Arizona March 24 - 28, 1985 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
A microcomputer-controlled system for measuring atmospheric particle fluxes : a paper for presentation at the seventeenth conference on agriculture and forest meteorology Scottsdale, AZ May 1985 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Leachinög behavior of nuclear waste glass heterogeneities : a paper proposed for presentation at the American Ceramic Society annual meeting Cincinnati, OH, May 5 - 9, 1985 and for publication in the Journal of non-crystalline solids [E-Book] /
U3O8 powder from uranyl-loaded cation exchange resin : a paper proposed for presentation at the 87th American Ceramic Society meeting Cincinatti, Ohio May 5 - 9, 1985 [E-Book] :
Flow measurement and control in the defense waste process : a paper proposed for presentation at the 31st ISA international instrumentation symposium San Diego, CA May 6 - 9, 1985 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Tritium-helium effects in metals : a paper for presentation at the national topical meeting on tritium technology in fission, fusion, and isotopic applications April 30 - May 2, 1985 Dayton, Ohio [E-Book] /
Manipulator operating problems and equipment failures : fuel reprocessing facilities Savannah River plant : [E-Book]
Comprehensive cooling water study annual report ; 1 :summary of environmental effects : [E-Book]
Comprehensive cooling water study annual report ; 2 :introduction and site description : [E-Book]
Comprehensive cooling water study annual report ; 3 :water quality : [E-Book]
Alpha decontamination and disassembly pilot facility final report : [E-Book]
Environmental aspects of a tritium release from the Savannah River plant on march 23, 1984 : [E-Book]
Comprehensive cooling water study annual report ; 4 :radionuclide and heavy metal transport : [E-Book]
Comprehensive cooling water study annual report ; 5 :wetland plant communities : [E-Book]
Comprehensive cooling water study annual report ; 6 :lower food chain communities : [E-Book]