Comprehensive cooling water study annual report ; 11 :ecology of par pond : [E-Book]
Proceedings of the DOE / AMS air pollution model evaluation workshop, Kiawah, South Carolina october 23 - 26, 1985, papers presented [E-Book] /
Influence of p-reactor operation on the aquatic ecology of par pond : a literature review : [E-Book]
Proceedings of the DOE / AMS air pollution model evaluation workshop, Kiawah, South Carolina october 23 - 26, 1985 ; 2:statistical analysis of results [E-Book] /
Proceedings of the DOE / AMS air pollution model evaluation workshop, Kiawah, South Carolina october 23 - 26, 1986 ; 3:summary, conclusions, and recommendations [E-Book] /
WIPP/SRL in-situ and laboratory testing programs ; 1:miit overview, nonradioactive waste glass studies : [E-Book]
Compaliance of the Savannah River plant p-reactor cooling system with environmental regulations : demonstrations in accordance with sections 316(a) and (b) of the federal water pollution control act of 1972 : [E-Book]
Special wasteform lysimeters initial three-year monitoring report : [E-Book]
The future of robots in nuclear plants and processes : a paper for presentation at the Remote Operations and Robotics in the Nuclear Industry Conference Gallaway, Gardens, GA April 21 - 24, 1985 [E-Book] /
Recirculation within a glass mixture subjected to external and resistive heating : a paper for presentation at the Fourth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow Swansea, UK July 9 - 12, 1985 [E-Book] /
Multistage metal hydride compressor : a paper proposed for presentation at the Solid Storage Science and Engineering Meeting Los Alamos, NM [E-Book] /
A shared robotic system : automated pipette calibration and pipette tip filter assambly : a paper proposed for presentation at the 3rd international symposium on laboratory robotics Bosten, MA October 20 - 23, 1985 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Costs for disposal of Savannah River high-level waste in a commercial repository : a paper for presentation and publication in the proceedings waste management 84 Tucson, Arizona March 11 - 15, 1984 [E-Book] /
Effects of Eh (oxidation potential) on borosilicate waste class durability : for presentation at the 85th annual meeting of the American Ceramic Society Chicago, Illinois April 27 - 29, 1984 and for publication in the American Ceramic Society special symposium on nuclelar waste management [E-Book] /
Tritiated-water detection with A 2D(gamma,n)1H monitor : [E-Book]
Sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and water vapor flux measurements utilizing a microprocessor controlled data acquisition system in a pine plantation : for publication forest environmental measurements conference proceedings Oak Ridge, Tennessee [E-Book] /
Simulation of natural convection in a rectangular loop using finite elements : a paper proposed for presentation and publication in the proceedings of the fifth international conference on finite elements and flow problems Texas Institute for Computational Mechanics the University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX January 23 - 26, 1984 [E-Book] /
Response of a glass melter to steam explosion : for presentation at the second international conference on computational methods and experimental methods Queen Elizabeth II, New York to Southampton June 27 to July 2, 1984 and for publication in the proceedings of the conference [E-Book] /
Prevention of stress-corrosion cracking in nuclear waste storage tanks : a paper proposed for presentation and publication in the proceedings Corrosion 84 New Orleans, LA April 2 - 6, 1984 [E-Book] /
Reducing hot-short cracking in iridium GTA welding using four-pole oscillation : a paper proposed for presentation at the 65th annual American Welding Society meeting Dallas, Texas April 9 - 13, 1984 and for publication in the Welding journal [E-Book] /