Benthic macroinvertebrate community structural and functional group response to cooling water discharge in the Savannah River and a coastal plain tributary : a paper proposed for presentation at the North American Benthological Society 32nd annual meeting Raleigh, North Carolina May 23 - 25, 1984 [E-Book] /
Electrochemical influences on vitreous leached surfaces : a paper presented at the American Ceramic Society meeting Pittsburgh, PA April 29 - May 4, 1984 [E-Book] /
Process technology for vitrification of defense high-level waste at the Savannah River Plant : a paper proposed for presentation and publication in the proceedings American Nuclear Society meeting fuel reprocessing and waste management Jackson Hole, Wyoming August 26 - 29, 1984 [E-Book] /
A dispersion model for airborne particulates inside a building : a paper proposed for presentation at the 18th DOE nuclear airborne waste management and air cleaning conference, Baltimore, Maryland, August 13 - 16, 1984 and for publication in the proceedings of the conference [E-Book] /
Repository simulation tests : a paper proposed for presentation at the American Ceramic Society annual Meeting Pittsburgh, PA April 29 - May 3, 1984 [E-Book] /
Storage and handling of spent fuel at the Savannah Plant RBOF facility : a paper proposed for presentation and publication in the proceedings American Nuclear Cociety meeting fuel reprocessing and waste management Jackson Hole, Wyoming August 26 - 29, 1984 [E-Book] /
Savannah River Laboratory data banks for risk assessment : proposed for presentation and publication at the DOE nuclear facility safety conference Washington, DC February 27 - 29, 1984 [E-Book] /
Savannah River Plant low-level waste incinerator demonstration : for presentation at the American Nuclear Society meeting on low-level waste management New Orleans, Louisiana June 3 - 8, 1984 and for publication in the Remote Systems Technology Division proceedings [E-Book] /
Performance of a large-scale melter off-gas system utilizing simulated SRP DWPF waste : proposed for presentation at the waste management '84 symposium, session XIV - status of defense waste disposal Tucson, Arizona March 14, 1984 [E-Book] /
In-tank precipitation process for decontamination of water soluble radioactive waste : a paper proposed for presentation (and publicatin) at the waste management '84 symposium, session XIV - status of defense waste disposal at Tucson, Arizona on March 11 - 15, '84 [E-Book]  /
Deformation and strain analysis for high extrusion ratios and elevated temperatures : a paper proposed for presentation and publication in the proceedings 1984 V international congress on experimental mechanics Montreal, Canada June 10 - 15, 1984 [E-Book] /
Safaguarding NDA systems : a paper proposed for presentation at the meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Columbus, Ohio July 15 - 18, 1984 [E-Book] /
Noble gas confinement for reactor fuel melting accidents : a paper presentation at the 18th DOE nuclear airborne waste management and air cleaning conference Baltimore, Maryland August 13 - 16, 1984 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Application of probabilistic risk assessment to reprocessing : proposed for presentation and publication at the DOE nuclear reactor and facility safety conference Washington, DC February 27 - 29, 1984 [E-Book] /
The defense waste processing facility project at the Savannah River Plant : a paper proposed for presentation (and publication) at the waste management '84 symposium, session XIV - status of defense waste disposal at Tucson, Arizona on March 11 - 15, 1984 [E-Book] /
Operational readness reviews for restart of L reactor : for presentation at the DOE nuclear reactor and facility safety conference Washington, DC February 27 - 29, 1984 and for publication in the proceedings of the conference [E-Book] /
Defense waste salt disposal at the Savannah River Plant : a paper proposed for presentation at the waste management '84 symposium Tucson, Arizona March 12 - 15, 1984 and for publication in the proceedings of the symposium [E-Book] /c by Christine A. Langton and Michael D. Dukes
An innovative approach to asbestos removal : paper to be presented at the asbestos symposium March 27 and 28, 1984 Organization Resources Counselors, INC. Arlington, Virginia [E-Book] /
Mössbauer determination of the ferrous-ferric ratio in defense waste glass : a paper for presentation at the 1984 international chemical congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA December 16 - 21, 1984, and for publication in the proceedings of the symposium on industrial applications of the Mössbauer effect [E-Book] /
Groundwater pollution control : for presentation at the 1984 Du Pont environmental forum Wilmington, Delaware May 3, 1984 and for distribution to the forum attendees : [E-Book]