Radioactive waste organic solvent adsorbent : [E-Book]
Corrosion in the off-gas system of a radioactive-waste incinerator : a paper proposed for presentation at the 1987 NACE annual conference "corrosion/87" San Francisco, CA March 9 - 13, 1987 and for publication in materials performance [E-Book] /
Estimation of geochemical parameters for assessing subsurface transport at the Savannah River Plant : [E-Book]
New hazardous and mixid waste storage / disposal facilities at the Savannah River Plant : [E-Book]
238Pu fuel form activities, April 1, 1986 - March 31, 1987 : [E-Book]
Selection of chemical constituents and estimation of inventories for environmental analysis of Savannah River Plant waste sites : [E-Book]
Savannah River Laboratory monthly report, January 1987 : [E-Book]
Finite-difference program for hydrogen diffusion : example problems manual : [E-Book]
Protein structure, folding, and design. 2 : Dupont UCLA Symposium on Protein Structure, Folding, and Design. 2 : Steamboat-Springs, CO, 04.04.87-11.04.87 /
Online fiber-optic spectrophotometry : a paper proposed for presentation at the Du Pont process analyzers and instruments symposium Wilmington, DE October 14 - 15, 1987 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Input/output technologies : an overview of image scanning, storage, and display : a paper for presentation at the U. S. DOE automated office support systems conference Denver, CO October 7 and 8, 1987 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Automated interfacial tension device for the determination of purex solvent quality : a paper proposed for a poster session at the 30th Oak Ridge analytical chemistry in energy technology conference Knoxville, TN October 20 - 22, 1987 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
New low-level radioactive waste disposal/storage facilities for the Savannah River Plant : a paper proposed for presentation at the waste management '87 symposium Tucson, Arizona March 1 - 5, 1987 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
A methodology for chemical hazards analysis at nuclear fuels reprocessing plants : a paper proposed for presentation at the international symosium on preventing major chemical accidents Washington, DC February 3 - 5, 1987 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Concept development for saltstone and low level waste disposal : a paper proposed for presentation at the symposium waste management '87 Tucson, Arizona March 1 - 5, 1987 [E-Book] /
New treatment facility for low level process effluents at the Savannah River site : a paper proposed for presentation at the symposium waste management '87 Tucson, Arizona March 1 - 5, 1987 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Electrochemical processing of low-level waste solutions : a paper proposed for presentation at the waste management '87 meeting Tucson, AZ March 1 - 5, 1987 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Operational testing of an electrically fired PU-238 wste incineratin process : a paper proposed for presentation at waste management '87 Tucson, AR March 1 - 5, 1987 : [E-Book]
Prediction of waste glass melt rates : a paper proposed for presentation at the waste management '87 meeting Tucson, AZ March 1 - 5, 1987 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
The Savannah River Plant consolidated incineration facility : proposed for presentation and publication in the proceedings of the incineration of low-level radioactive and mixed wastes conference in St. Charles, Illinois on April 22 - 24, 1987 [E-Book] /