Plant experience with an expert system for alarm diagnosis : a paper for presentation at the Society for Computer Simulation Multiconference Sand Diego, CA January 23 - 25, 1986 : [E-Book]
Solidification of radioactive incinerator ash : a paper proposed for presentation at the waste management '86 meeting Tucson, Arizona March 2 - 6, 1986 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Strain analysis for extrusion of powder metals : a paper proposed for presentation at the 1986 SEM spring conference on experimental mechanics New Orleans, Louisiana June 8 - 13, 1986 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Defense waste processing facility precipitate hydrolysis process : a paper proposed for presentation at the waste management '86 meeting Tucson, Arizona March 2 - 6, 1986 [E-Book] /
Transport of nitrate from a large cement based waste form : [E-Book]
Modeling of convectice mixing downstream of separately heated annuli : a paper proposed for presentation at the AIAA/ASME heat transfer and thermophysics conference Boston, MA June 2 - 4, 1986 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Leaching fully radioactive SRP nuclear waste glass in tuff groundwater in stainless steel vessels : a paper for presentation at the third international symposium on ceramics in nuclear waste management American Ceramic Society annual meeting Chicago, Illinois April 27 - May 1, 1986 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Communication in hazardous environments : a paper proposed for presentation at the spectrun '86 international meeting Niagra Falls, NY September 14 - 18, 1986 and for publication in Nuclear technology [E-Book] /
Test methods for selection of materials of construction for high-level radioactive waste vitrification : a paper presented at the American Ceramic Society Chicago, Ill. April 27, 1986 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
High temperature materials for radioactive waste incineration and vitrification : a paper presented at the American Ceramic Society Chicago, Il April 27, 1986 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Remote process cell mercury transfer pumps for DWPF : a paper  proposed for presentation at the ANS waste management and decontamination and decommissioning meeting Niagra Falls, NY September 14 - 18, 1986 and for publication in the proceedins [E-Book] /
Radionuclide release from low-level waste in field lysimeters : a paper proposed for presentation at the American Nuclear Society meeting - spectrum '86 low-, intermediate-, and high-level waste management and decontamination and decommissioning Niagara Falls, NY September 14 - 18, 1986 and for publication in the spectrum '86 proceedings [E-Book] /
238Pu fuel form activities, March 1 - September 30, 1985 : [E-Book]
238Pu fuel form activities, October 1, 1985 - March 31, 1986 : [E-Book]
Waste management program : technical progress report, july - december 1984 : [E-Book]
Adaption of U(IV) reductant to Savannah River plant purex processes : [E-Book]
Mixing and solid suspension ina stirred precipitator : a paper proposed for presentation at the tenth annual actinide workshop Los Alamos, New Mexico May 12 - 15, 1986 [E-Book] /
Electrochemical processing of alkaline nitrate and nitrite wastes : a paper proposed for presentation at the AICHE 1986 meeting Miami, Florida November 2 - 7, 1986 and for publication in the symposium series [E-Book] /
Investigation of lead-iron-phosphate glass for SRP waste : [E-Book]
Dynamic simulation aids DWPF off-gas and vertilation design : a paper proposed for presentation at the ANS waste management and decontamination Niagra Falls, NY September 14 - 18, 1986 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /cby K. C. Chiu, N. E. Pabanz, and O. T. Asuncion