Open-access collection of crystal structures of organic, inorganic, metal-organic compounds and minerals, excluding biopolymers.
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This database provides structural information on all of the Zeolite Framework Types that have been approved by the Structure Commission of the International Zeolite Association. It is searchable and includes: descriptions and drawings of each framework type, user-controlled animated displays of each framework type, crystallographic data and simulated powder diffraction patterns for representative materials, relevant references, detailed instructions for building models, descriptions of some families of disordered zeolite structures.
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ICDS is a comprehensive database on the complete structural information for inorganic compounds. It contains bibliographic information, compound name, molecular formular, as well as crystal symmetry group, unit cell parameters, atomic coordinates and temperature factors.
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This database is a unique resource that provides more extensive symmetry information than can be found in the print editions of International Tables for Crystallography Volumes A and A1. This additional symmetry information can either be retrieved directly from the database or simple calculations can be carried out using the database to generate specific data 'on the fly'. Use of the symmetry database thus facilitates the in-depth study of group-subgroup relations, domain structures and twinning, families of related crystal structures and phase transitions, and the prediction of new crystal structures.
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