Your search request '"00052760 OR 0304419X (Reviews of cancer) OR 00052728 (Bioenergetics) OR 03044173 (Bioenergetics) OR 01674889 (Molecular cell research) OR 0304419X (Reviews on cancer) OR 1874-9399 (Gene Regulatory Mechanisms) OR 03044165 (General subjects) OR 09266593 (Enzymology and Biological Oxidation) OR 00052760 (Lipids and lipid metabolism) OR 00052728 (Biomembranes) OR 00063002 (Biomembranes) OR 03044157 (Biomembranes) OR 00052736 (Biomembranes) OR 03044157 (Reviews on biomembranes) OR 0926-6585 (Biophysics including Photosynthesis) OR 01674838 (Protein structure and molecular enzymology) OR 01674781 (Gene structure and expression)"' did not yield any results in 'JuSER'