Nuclear waste glass corrosion mechanisms : a paper proposed for presentation only at the 89th American Ceramic Society meeting, April 28, 1987 [E-Book] /
Implications of one-year basalt weathering/reactvity study for a basalt repository environment : [E-Book]
Natural ceramic container material for groundwater control : [E-Book]
Systems approach to nuclear waste glass development : a paper proposed for presentation at the conference on physics and chemistry of glass and glassmaking Alfred, NY July 30 - August 2, 1986 and for publication in Journal of non-crystalline solids [E-Book] /
Material interactions relating to long-term geologic disposal of nuclear waste glass : an invited review paper for presentation at the 1986 symposium on the scientific basis for nuclear waste management and publication in the proceedings, Boston, Massachussetts December 1 - 4, 1986 [E-Book] /
Devitrification of defense nuclear waste glasses : role of melt insolubles : a paper proposed for presentatin at the American Ceramic Society Cincinnati Ohio May 1985 and proposed for presentation at the symposium on physics and chemistry of Glass and Glassmaking Institute of Glass Science and Engineering Alfred University, Alfred, N. Y. July 30 - August 2, 1985 and for publication in the proceedings [E-Book] /
Electrokinetic effects and the concepts of zeta potential and zero point of charge : a paper proposed for publication in the proceedigns of the third semiannual workshop on the leaching mechanisms of defense high-level waste forms of the semiannual meeting of the Materials Characterization Center December 7 - 8, 1982, at Thousand Oaks, California [E-Book] /