Domina Eberle Spencer

Domina Eberle Spencer (September 26, 1920 – 2022) was an American mathematician who was Professor at the University of Connecticut.

Spencer was born on September 26, 1920, and earned her Ph.D. in 1942 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the supervision of Dirk Jan Struik. She worked on electrodynamics and field theory.

Spencer was married to Parry Moon, with whom she wrote many of her books and papers and introduced holors. Her death, at age 101, was reported by the University of Connecticut in May 2022. Provided by Wikipedia
Theory of Holors [E-Book] : A Generalization of Tensors /
Other Personal Name(s): ...Spencer, Domina Eberle....

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Field theory handbook : including coordinate systems, differential equations and their solutions /
Other Personal Name(s): ...Spencer, Domina Eberle....
Partial differential equations /
Other Personal Name(s): ...Spencer, Domina Eberle....