Regular Black Holes [E-Book] : Towards a New Paradigm of Gravitational Collapse /
Table of Contents: ...1) Non-singular gravitational collapse in General Relativity with high-density corrections (Daniele Malafarina) -- 2) Gravitational collapse with torsion (Nikodem Poplawski) -- 3) Classification of geodesically complete black holes (Raul Carballo Rubio...

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Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy [E-Book] /
Table of Contents: ...Introduction to gravitational wave astronomy -- Gravitational wave detectors -- Gravitational wave sources -- Gravitational wave modeling -- Data analysis techniques -- Testing the nature of dark compact objects with gravitational waves -- Advances...

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Introduction to General Relativity [E-Book] : A Course for Undergraduate Students of Physics /
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Astrophysics of Black Holes [E-Book] : From Fundamental Aspects to Latest Developments /
Table of Contents: ...Preface -- Black Hole Accretion Discs -- Black hole X-ray binaries -- Measuring spin: implications for our understanding of black hole accretion physics -- Jet and wind from black hole accretion flows -- Gravitational Waves: a new tool for observing...

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