Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. 161, 2. Scientific Results Mediterranean Sea : covering leg 161 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Naples, Italy, to Malaga, Spain, sites 974 - 979, 3 May - 2 July 1995 /
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. 161, 2. Initial reports Mediterranean Sea : covering leg 161 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Naples, Italy, to Malaga, Spain, sites 974 - 979, 3 May - 2 July 1995
Proceedings of the ocean drilling program. 134. Scientific results Vanuatu : covering leg 134 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Port of Townsville, Queensland, Australia, to Suva, Republic of Fiji, sites 827-833, 11 October - 17 December 1990
Proceedings of the ocean drilling program 123 Initial reports Argo Abyssal Plain / Exmouth Plateau : covering leg 123 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Singapore, Republic of Sing., to Singapore, Republic of Sing., sites 765 - 766, 28.08.1988 - 01.11.1988