Observational Evidence for Black Holes in the Universe [E-Book] : Proceedings of a Conference held in Calcutta, India, January 10–17, 1998 /
Numerical Astrophysics [E-Book] : Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Astrophysics 1998 (NAP98), held at the National Olympic Memorial Youth Center, Tokyo, Japan, March 10–13, 1998 /
Solar Composition and its Evolution — from Core to Corona [E-Book] : Proceedings of an ISSI Workshop 26–30 January 1998, Bern, Switzerland /
Solar Electromagnetic Radiation Study for Solar Cycle 22 [E-Book] : Proceedings of the SOLERS22 Workshop held at the National Solar Observatory, Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, U.S.A., June 17–21, 1996 /
Primordial Nuclei and Their Galactic Evolution [E-Book] : Proceedings of an ISSI Workshop 6–10 May 1997, Bern, Switzerland /
Planetary Nebulae [E-Book] : Proceeding of the 180th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Groningen, The Netherlands, August, 26–30, 1996 /
Solar System Ices [E-Book] : Based on Reviews Presented at the International Symposium “Solar System Ices” held in Toulouse, France, on March 27–30, 1995 /
Optical Detectors for Astronomy [E-Book] : Proceedings of an ESO CCD Workshop held in Garching, Germany, October 8–10, 1996 /
Advanced Topics on Astrophysical and Space Plasmas [E-Book] : Proceedings of the Advanced School on Astrophysical and Space Plasmas held in Guarujá, Brazil, June 26–30, 1995 /
The Dynamical Behaviour of our Planetary System [E-Book] : Proceedings of the Fourth Alexander von Humboldt Colloquium on Celestial Mechanics /
White Dwarfs [E-Book] : Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, held in Blanes, Spain, 17–21 June 1996 /
Modern Mathematical Models of Time and their Applications to Physics and Cosmology [E-Book] : Proceedings of the International Conference held in Tucson, Arizona, 11–13 April, 1996 /
Gravitation and Cosmology [E-Book] : Proceedings of the ICGC-95 Conference, held at IUCAA, Pune, India, on December 13–19, 1995 /
Proceedings of the Plasma Space Science Symposium [E-Book] : Held at the Catholic University of America Washington, D.C., June 11–14, 1963 /
B[e] Stars [E-Book] : Proceedings of the Paris Workshop held from 9–12 June, 1997 /
Coronal Holes and Solar Wind Acceleration [E-Book] : Proceeding of the SOHO-7 Workshop, held at Asticou Inn in Northeast Harbor, Maine, U.S.A., from 28 September–1 October, 1998 /
Solar Polarization [E-Book] : Proceedings of an International Workshop held in Bangalore, India, 12–16 October 1998 /
Motions in the Solar Atmosphere [E-Book] : Proceedings of the Summerschool and Workshop Held at the Solar Observatory Kanzelhöhe Kärnten, Austria, September 1–12, 1997 /
Atomic and Molecular Data for Space Astronomy Needs, Analysis, and Availability [E-Book] : A Selection of Papers Presented at the Joint Commission Meeting III of the 21st IAU General Assembly Held in Buenos Aires, Argentina 23 July – 1 August 1991 /
Problems of Stellar Convection [E-Book] : Proceedings of the Colloquium Nr. 38 of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Nice, August 16–20,1976 /