Black Hole Physics [E-Book] /
Condensed Matter Theories [E-Book] /
Table of Contents: ... Entropies -- IV. High-Tc Superconductivity -- Superconductivity in Ba1-x Kx Bi O3 Cubic Oxides -- Non. Conventional Superconductivity in BaPb1-xBixO3 and Ba1-xKxBiO3 -- The Essential Singularity in BCS Superconductivity Theory and the Gap-to-Tc Ratio -- Search...

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Data Analysis in Astronomy IV [E-Book] /
Table of Contents: ... Measurements, Models, and Simulations -- COMPTEL Processing and Analysis Software System: COMPASS (Requirements and Overview) -- Pulsar Analysis within COMPASS -- Maximum Likelihood Method Applied to COMPTEL Source Recognition and Analysis -- Maximum Entropy Imaging...

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Chaotic Dynamics [E-Book] : Theory and Practice /
Table of Contents: ... Dimensions and Generalized Entropies of Strange Atractors -- On the Quaternionic Julia Sets -- Perturbation Theory and Analyticity of Normalizing Transformations for Area Preserving Maps -- Note on a Complex Eckhaus Equation -- Integrability of Discrete-Time...

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Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories [E-Book] : Volume 3 /
Table of Contents: ... -- The Colloidal Many Body Problem: Colloidal Suspensions as Hard Sphere Fluids -- Applications of Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Computational Many-Body Physics -- Section VI: Computational and Monte Carlo Methods -- Green’s Function Monte Carlo for Fermions...

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Encounter with Chaos [E-Book] : Self-Organized Hierarchical Complexity in Semiconductor Experiments /
Table of Contents: ... Concepts in the Theory of Dynamical Systems -- 4.2 Scaling Behavior of Attractors of Dissipative Dynamical Systems -- 4.3 Generalized Dimensions, Lyapunov Exponents, Entropies -- 4.4 Evaluation of Experimental Systems -- 4.5 High-Dimensional Systems -- 4.6...

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Nonlinear Stochastic Mechanics [E-Book] : IUTAM Symposium, Turin, 1991 /
Table of Contents: ... on Hysteretic Structures -- Analysis of Stochastic Systems via Maximum Entropy Principle -- System Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic Structures Based on Stochastic Time Series Model Fitting -- Nonlinear Stochastic Mechanics in Structural Safety and Reliability...

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Computational Approaches in Condensed-Matter Physics [E-Book] : Proceedings of the 6th Nishinomiya-Yukawa Memorial Symposium, Nishinomiya, Japan, October 24 and 25, 1991 /
Table of Contents: ... on the Numerical Renormalization Group Method -- Real Space Numerical Renormalization Groups for Hubbard Models -- Bayesian Methods, Maximum Entropy, and Quantum Monte Carlo -- Anyons on a Lattice -- Ground State Wave Function of an Extended Hubbard Model -- Numerical...

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Classical Planar Scattering by Coulombic Potentials [E-Book] /
Table of Contents: ...The Scattering Transformation -- Regularization -- Periodic Orbits -- Existence of an Invariant Cone Field -- Symbolic Dynamics -- Topological Entropy -- The Distribution of the Closed Orbits -- Fractional Dimension -- Time Delay -- Measure of the Bound...

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Quantum Aspects of Optical Communications [E-Book] : Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the CNRS, Paris, France 26–28 November 1990 /
Table of Contents: ... -- The uncertainty principle in a QND measurement of photon number -- Some remarks on the phase operator in quantum optics -- Quantum state control and nonlinear schr?dinger equation -- Quantum entropy and quantum measurements -- Information dynamics and its applications...

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Large Scale Structures in Nonlinear Physics [E-Book] : Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Villefranche-sur-Mer, France 13–18 January 1991 /
Table of Contents: ... of three-dimensional mixing layers -- Organized vortices as maximum entropy structures -- Spectral degeneracy and hydrodynamic stability -- Non-linear stability of plane Couette flow -- Continued-function solutions and eikonal approximations -- Quantum chaos...

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Differential Geometry, Group Representations, and Quantization [E-Book] /
Table of Contents: ... -- Spectrum and character formulae of so(3, 2) unitary representations -- Quantum theory of single events -- Symmetry, entropy and complexity -- Steps in the philosophy of quantum theory....

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Capillarity Today [E-Book] : Proceedings of an Advanced Workshop on Capillarity Held In Memoriam Raymond Defay at Brussels, Belgium, 7–10 May 1990 /
Table of Contents: ...Entropy Revisited -- Adsorption and wettability in metal/ceramic systems -- Equilibrium surface segregation in solid binary alloys -- Spreading of a stratified, incompressible, droplet -- Line tension and wetting -- Liquid-solid coexistence: A density...

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Electron Crystallography of Organic Molecules [E-Book] /
Table of Contents: ... molecules: geometry and intermolecular potentials. -- A theoretical technique for layer structure prediction. -- Electron microscopy and molecular modelling of some Langmuir-Blodgett films. -- Maximum entropy reconstruction of low dose, high-resolution electron...

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Turbulent Motion and the Structure of Chaos [E-Book] : A New Approach to the Statistical Theory of Open Systems /
Table of Contents: ... Systems. Molecular and Turbulent Sources of Fluctuations -- I.6. Laminar and Turbulent Motion -- 1. Evolution of Entropy and Entropy Production in Open Systems -- 1.1. Chaos and Order. The Controlling Parameters. Physical Chaos. Evolution and Self-Organization...

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Kinetic Theory of Gases and Plasmas [E-Book] /
Table of Contents: .... Introduction and table of characteristic quantities. -- 5.2. Balance equations. -- 5.3. Power series in the Knudsen number and the multiple time scale formalism revisited. -- 5.4. The role of entropy and the thermodynamic identity. -- 5.5. The eigenvalues...

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Condensed Matter Theories [E-Book] /
Table of Contents: ... Superconductivity -- Dynamics of the Anderson Model for Dilute Magnetic Alloys: a Quantum Monte Carlo and Maximum Entropy Study -- High Temperature Superconductivity in an Exactly Solvable Model -- Cooper Pair Binding Energy and the BCS Gap Energy Revisited -- Coopers...

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Elements of Physics [E-Book] /
Table of Contents: ... and the Second Law of Thermodynamics -- C. Entropy and the Waste of Energy -- D. The Logic of this Chapter -- Condensed Checklist -- True or False -- Problems -- 13. Vibrations -- A. Hooke’s Law and the Ideal Spring -- B. Harmonic Motion -- C. Superposition and Sound...

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Rhythms in Physiological Systems [E-Book] : Proceedings of the International Symposium at Schloß Elmau, Bavaria, October 22–25, 1990 /
Table of Contents: ..., and Entropy: Possible Implications for Cardiovascular Dynamics -- III Respiratory Rhythms -- The Respiratory System — Features of Modulation and Coordination -- Phase Resetting of Respiratory Rhythm — Experiments in Animals and Models -- Rhythmogenesis...

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Self-Organization, Emerging Properties, and Learning [E-Book] /
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