Advances in Plant Ethylene Research [E-Book] : Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on the Plant Hormone Ethylene /
Wheat Production in Stressed Environments [E-Book] : Proceedings of the 7th International Wheat Conference, 27 November–2 December 2005, Mar del Plata, Argentina /
Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture 2006 and Beyond [E-Book] : Proceedings of the 11th IAPTC&B Congress, August 31-18, 2006 Beijing, China /
Advances in Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition [E-Book] : Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on all Aspects of Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition /
Sustainable strategies for managing Brassica napus (oilseed rape) resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) [E-Book] : Under the aegis of a European-Australian workshop held at INRA, Versailles, France, in association with the EU SECURE project (QLK5-CT-2002-01813) /
Plant disease epidemiology: facing challenges of the 21st Century [E-Book] : Under the aegis of an International Plant Disease Epidemiology Workshop held at Landernau, France, 10–15th April, 2005 /
Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment [E-Book] : Proceedings of the 14th International Nitrogen Fixation Congress /