Quantum Mechanics for Pedestrians 2 [E-Book] : Applications and Extensions /
Introduction to photon science and technology [E-Book] /
Table of Contents: ...Preface -- List of symbols -- List of figures -- Chapter 1. Origins and development of photon science: 1.1. Light in the ancient and modern era; 1.2. Photons in the quantum era; 1.3. Quantum electrodynamics: photon interactions with matter; 1.4. Photons...

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Quantum Mechanics and Electrodynamics [E-Book] /
Classical and Quantum Dynamics [E-Book] : From Classical Paths to Path Integrals /
Table of Contents: ... and Parametric Harmonic Oscillator -- Topological Phases in Planar Electrodynamics -- Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Electrodynamics -- Particle in Harmonic E-Field E(t) = Esinw0t; Schwinger-Fock Proper-Time Method -- The Usefulness of Lie Brackets: From...

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Quantum Simulations with Photons and Polaritons [E-Book] : Merging Quantum Optics with Condensed Matter Physics /
Table of Contents: ... Simulators; Na Young Kim and Yoshihisa Yamamoto -- 6 Strongly correlated photons in quantum photonic platforms; D. Gerace, C. Ciuti and I. Carusotto -- 7 Quantum simulations with circuit quantum electrodynamics; Guillermo Romero, Enrique Solano, and Lucas Lamata...

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Circuit Cavity QED with Macroscopic Solid-State Spin Ensembles [E-Book] /
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Surprises in Theoretical Casimir Physics [E-Book] : Quantum Forces in Inhomogeneous Media /
Table of Contents: ...Part I Foundations of Casimir Theory -- Casimir's Calculation -- Macroscopic Quantum Electrodynamics -- The Quantum Nature of the Casimir Force -- Part II Surprises in Casimir Theory -- The Cut-off-dependence of the Casimir Force -- The Divergence...

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Quantum Physics [E-Book] /
Table of Contents: ... and the Dirac Equation -- Elements of Quantum Electrodynamics and Weak Interactions....

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Dispersion Forces II [E-Book] : Many-Body Effects, Excited Atoms, Finite Temperature and Quantum Friction /
Table of Contents: ... quantum electrodynamics -- Thermal Casimir-Polder forces -- Casimir-Polder forces on moving atoms....

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Dispersion Forces I [E-Book] : Macroscopic Quantum Electrodynamics and Ground-State Casimir, Casimir-Polder and van der Waals Forces /
Table of Contents: ...Introduction: dispersion forces -- Macroscopic quantum electrodynamics -- Casimir forces between bodies -- Casimir-Polder forces on ground-state atoms -- Van derWaals forces between ground-state atoms....

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Electroweak and Strong Interactions [E-Book] : Phenomenology, Concepts, Models /
Table of Contents: ... on Nuclei -- Hadronic Atoms -- Quantum Chromodynamics -- Neutrino Physics -- Appendix A. Lorentz Invariant Distributions -- Appendix B. S-Matrix, Cross Sections, Decay Probabilities -- Appendix C1. Some Feynman Rules for Quantum Electrodynamics of Spin-1/2...

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Classical and quantum electrodynamics and the B(3) field / [E-Book]