Design and testing of a facility to investigate the rate of corrosion in the chemical regime of virgin and irradiated grahites [E-Book]
The out of pile oxidation of praphite in moist helium progress report on work in Dragon loop a to 31.3.1976 ; 2 :the temperature coefficient ot the graphite-water reaction over the range 100 - 1300 Celsius [E-Book]
The out of pile oxidation of graphite in moist helium progress report on work in Dragon loop a to 31.3.1976 ; 1 :measurements of rate of oxidation : [E-Book]
The out of pile oxidation of graphite in moist helium progress report on work in Dragon loop a to 31.3.1976 ; 2 :the temperature coefficient of the graphite-water reaction over the range 1000 - 1300 Celsius : [E-Book]
The out of pile oxidation of graphite in moist helium progress report on work in Dragon loop a to 31.3.76 ; 3 :the erosion of corroded graphite in a high velocity gas stream : [E-Book]
Results on graphites AS2-F-500 II and III and results on graphites AS2-M-500 I acheved in loop a at 1200 Celsius and in furnaces at 900 Celsius : [E-Book]
The effect of machining on the rate of oxidation of sigri graphite : [E-Book]
Results on graphites AS2-P-500 II and III and results on graphites AS2-M-500 I achieved in loop A at 1200 Grad Celsius and in furnace S at 900 Grad Celsius : [E-Book]
The prediction of corrosion of graphite specimens irradiated in Dragon HTR in fuel elements FE 084 and FPC 13/2 : [E-Book]
The effect of pressure on the corrosion of graphite in moist helium [E-Book]
The out of pile oxidation of graphite in moist helium progress report on work in Dragon loop a to 31.3.76 ; 4 :the effect of variation in H2/H2O and CO/H2O ratios on the rate of corrosion of graphites in the 'in-pore diffusion regime' : [E-Book]
The change of corrosion rate with burn-off : [E-Book]
The effect of pressure on the corrosion of graphite in moist helium : [E-Book]