Handbook of Clean Energy Systems [E-Book] /
...EAA - Energy - reference books...

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Comprehensive renewable energy [E-Book] /
...EAA - Energy - reference books...

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Encyclopedia of energy [E-Book] /
...EAA - Energy - reference books...

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...EAA - Energy - reference books ...
ETDE World Energy Base (ETDEWEB) contains a growing collection of over 4,165,000 literature references and more than 245,000 full text documents It includes information on energy R&D; energy policy and planning; basic sciences (e.g., physics, chemistry and biomedical) and materials research; the environmental impact of energy production and use, including climate change; energy conservation; nuclear (e.g., reactors, isotopes, waste management); coal and fossil fuels; renewable energy technologies (e.g., solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydro) and much, much more. In addition to information from member countries ETDEWEB contains worldwide information in the nuclear, coal, and global climate change areas.
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