Handbook of computer vision and applications. 1, 2, 3. Sensors and imaging Signal processing and applications Systems and applications [Compact Disc] /
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Numerical recipes in C and C++ : the art of scientific computing : code CDROM v 2.10 with Windows or Macintosh single-screen licence [Compact Disc] /
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Numerical recipes in C/C++ [Compact Disc] : the art of scientific computing : code CDROM v 2.11 with Windows or Macintosh single-screen licence /
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Numerical recipes in C++ [Compact Disc] : the art of scientific computing : code CDROM v 2.11 with Windows or Macintosh single-screen licence /
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Numerical recipes [Compact Disc] : the art of scientific computing : code CD ROM V 2.06 with UNIX single screen license.
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Numerical recipes [Compact Disc] : the art of scientific computing : code CD-ROM v 2.08 with Windows, DOS, or Macintosh single screen licence /
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Numerical recipes [Compact Disc] : the art of scientific computing : code CD-ROM v 2.10 with LINUX or UNIX single-screen licence /
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Numerical recipes [Compact Disc] : the art of scientific computing : code CD-ROM v 2.10 with Windows, DOS, or Macintosh single screen licence /
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