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Physical Review B Physical review / B, 98 98 (2018 2018) 23 23, S. 235110 235110
...Magnetic Anisotropy of Metallic Layered Systems and Nanostructures...
OpenAccess  OpenAccess 
Physical review letters, 121 (2018) 14, S. 147203
...Magnetic Anisotropy of Metallic Layered Systems and Nanostructures...
OpenAccess  OpenAccess 
Physical Review B Physical review / B, 98 98 (2018 2018) 15 15, S. 155404 155404
...Magnetic Anisotropy of Metallic Layered Systems and Nanostructures...
OpenAccess  OpenAccess 
Nanoscale, 10 (2018) 24, S. 11498 - 11505
...Magnetic Anisotropy of Metallic Layered Systems and Nanostructures...
Communications Physics, 1 (2018) 1, S. 5
...Magnetic Anisotropy of Metallic Layered Systems and Nanostructures...
OpenAccess  OpenAccess