...CUA - Spectroscopy...
The MPI-Mainz UV/VIS Spectral Atlas is a comprehensive collection of cross sections for gaseous molecules and radicals, primarily relevant to atmospheric research. The individual data sets were collected from the original publications, either copied from tabulations, or read from figures in those cases where numerical data could no longer be obtained. In addition, several spectra were obtained from databases of several research centers and via personal communication.
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...CUA - Spectroscopy...
This database provides access and search capability for NIST critically evaluated data on atomic energy levels, wavelengths, and transition probabilities.
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...CUA - Spectroscopy...
Diatomic Spectral Database, Triatomic Spectral Database and Hydrocarbon Spectral Database. Each of the databases covers primarily the microwave region with some data available for the radio frequency region. Rotational spectral lines for 121 diatomic molecules, 55 triatomic molecules, and 91 hydrocarbon molecules have been tabulated. The isotopic molecular species, assigned quantum numbers, observed frequency, estimated measurement uncertainty, and reference are given for each transition reported. The spectral lines for many molecules and normal isotopic species have been refit to produce a comprehensive and consistent analysis of all the data extracted from various literature sources. The derived molecular properties, such as rotational and centrifugal distortion constants, hyperfine structure constants, electric dipole moments, rotational g-factors and internuclear distances (for diatomic molecules) are listed with one standard deviation uncertainties for all species.
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...CUA - Spectroscopy...
The NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Database gives easy access to the energies of many photoelectron and Auger-electron spectral lines. Resulting from a critical evaluation of the published literature, the database contains over 29,000 line positions, chemical shifts, doublet splittings, and energy separations of photoelectron and Auger-electron lines. A highly interactive program allows the user to search by element, line type, line energy, and many other variables. Users can easily identify unknown measured lines by matching to previous measurements.
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...CUA - Spectroscopy...
SDBS is an integrated spectral database system for organic compounds, which includes 6 different types of spectra under a directory of the compounds. The six spectra are as follows, an electron impact Mass spectrum (EI-MS), a Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FT-IR), a 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum, a 13C NMR spectrum, a laser Raman spectrum, and an electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum.
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