The Three Galileos: The Man, the Spacecraft, the Telescope [E-Book] : Proceedings of the Conference held in Padova, Italy on January 7–10, 1997 /
Comparative Planetology with an Earth Perspective [E-Book] : Proceedings of the First International Conference held in Pasadena, California, June 6–8, 1994 /
Planetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection [E-Book] : Proceedings of the First International Conference, held in Pasadena, California on December 8–10, 1992 /
Astrometric Binaries [E-Book] : An International Conference to Commemorate the Birth of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784–1846) /
Double Stars, Physical Properties and Generic Relations [E-Book] : Proceedings of IAU Colloquium No. 80 held at Lembang, Java, 3–7 June 1983 /
Binary and Multiple Stars as Tracers of Stellar Evolution [E-Book] : Proceedings of the 69th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Bamberg, F.R.G., August 31 – September 3, 1981 /