Applied Scanning Probe Methods XIII [E-Book] : Biomimetics and Industrial Applications /
Nanohybridization of Organic-Inorganic Materials [E-Book] /
Table of Contents: ... Film for Recognizing Biological Molecular Interaction: DNA-Protein Interaction and Enzyme Reaction -- Nanohybridized Fine Porous Materials -- Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Mesoporous Silica -- Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Zeolites Containing Organic Frameworks...

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Frontiers in Materials Research [E-Book] /
Table of Contents: ... for Ecological and Biological Systems -- High-Quality Si Multicrystals with Same Grain Orientation and Large Grain Size by the Newly Developed Dendritic Casting Method for High-Efficiency Solar Cell Applications -- Growth of High-Quality Polycrystalline Si Ingot...

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Multiscale Dissipative Mechanisms and Hierarchical Surfaces [E-Book] : Friction, Superhydrophobicity, and Biomimetics /
Table of Contents: ... Effects -- Biological and Biomimetic Surfaces -- Lotus-Effect and Water-Repellent Surfaces in Nature -- Artificial (Biomimetic) Superhydrophobic Surfaces -- Gecko-Effect and Smart Adhesion -- Other Biomimetic Surfaces -- Outlook....

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Applied Scanning Probe Methods VIII [E-Book] : Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques /
Applied Scanning Probe Methods IX [E-Book] : Characterization /
Applied Scanning Probe Methods X [E-Book] : Biomimetics and Industrial Applications /
Table of Contents: ... Probe Microscopy on Polymer Solar Cells -- Scanning Probe Anodization for Nanopatterning -- Tissue Engineering: Nanoscale Contacts in Cell Adhesion to Substrates -- Scanning Probe Microscopy in Biological Research -- Novel Nanoindentation Techniques...

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Magnetic Nanostructures in Modern Technology : Spintronics, Magnetic MEMS and Recording [E-Book] /
Applied Scanning Probe Methods III [E-Book] : Characterization /
Applied Scanning Probe Methods IV [E-Book] : Industrial Applications /
Table of Contents: ...Scanning Probe Lithography for Chemical, Biological and Engineering Applications -- Nanotribological Characterization of Human Hair and Skin Using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) -- Nanofabrication with Self-Assembled Monolayers by Scanning Probe...

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Applied Scanning Probe Methods II [E-Book] : Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques /
Table of Contents: ... Probe Microscopy and New Applications -- Quantitative Nanomechanical Measurements in Biology -- Scanning Microdeformation Microscopy: Subsurface Imaging and Measurement of Elastic Constants at Mesoscopic Scale -- Electrostatic Force and Force Gradient...

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Micromanufacturing and Nanotechnology [E-Book] /
Table of Contents: ... -- Carbon based Nanostructures -- Molecular Logic Gates -- Nanomechanical Cantilever Devices for Biological Sensors -- Micro Energy and Chemical Systems (MECS) and Multiscale Fabrication -- Sculptured Thin Films -- e-Beam Nanolithography Integrated...

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